The Covid pandemic and its effects causes many creatives, artists and cultural workers with the challenge of rethinking: A comprehensive report shows what solutions and answers various funding projects of the “Creative Europe” programme have found.
One survey. A lot of experience: Bundled on 46 pages, there are various examples – including input from us. In the report, the European Commission presents the Un-Label project ImPArt and the ImPArt digital studio talk.
>> Read the Report: „Creative Europe projects‘ response to the COVID crisis. A selection of practices shared by the beneficiaries of the Creative Europe Programme“
In December 2020, EACEA, the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, contacted around 600 funding projects and partners. The aim was not only to get a detailed picture of the impact on the creative process since the outbreak of the pandemic in Europe since mid-March 2020, but also to learn from each other. On 6 May 2021, the results were presented at an online event of the “Creative Europe Desk”.
>> More information about EACEA (
In the ImPArt digital studio talk, Un-Label founder Lisette Reuter talks to Christof Seeger-Zurmühlen, director and dramaturge at the Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf and artistic director of the Asphalt Festival. In addition, numerous participating artists join in the talk and share their experiences.