In their TakeCareResidency, taking place from 01.12.2020 to 31.08. 2021 in cooperation with Tanzhaus NRW, the two Un-Label artists Dodzi Dougban and Sarena Bockers explore how German sign language, with its four parameters (hand shape, hand position, movement, place of execution on the body), can generate an innovative contemporary and urban language of movement using improvisational and compositional dance principles that are equally accessible to both hearing and deaf audiences.
In their residency they will explore the extent to which both sequences and individual signs of DGS can be integrated into contemporary and urban dance while maintaining high artistic-visual-aesthetic standards. They will research how DGS and Visual Vernarcular (VV) can enrich contemporary and urban dance to make dance more accessible to both deaf and hearing audiences, while at the same time keeping these languages intelligible to DGS users.
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