Un-Label was selected to take part in the international exhibition From inclusion to partnership curated by Abigail Hirsch and Daphne Yalon, artist directors and curators of The Gallery for Social Art Jerusalem.

Our work will be shown along with eight other selected works (which were chosen out of over sixty submissions) from all over the world that illustrate the process of full, equal and non-hierarchical collaboration between artists with disabilities and artists without disabilities.

The exhibition will take place at the same time as an international conference to be held in several places in Israel including Jerusalem, Sderot, Tel Aviv and Nazeret, and will discuss ways to make the dream of full equality for human diversity in society come true.

Later this year, the exhibition will travel to Ekaterinburg, Russia, and will be displayed at the ‘First World Congress for Persons with Disabilities’.

We are delighted to have been selected as one of a total of 8 projects in the worldwide call for the From Inclusion to Partnership exhibition.