After intensive research consisting of questions, networking and continuous learning, the research results are finally online. Between 2021 and 2023, the research project “Systemcheck” of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. conducted research on the working conditions of solo self-employed and hybrid workers in the field of performing arts and their social security. The project “Systemcheck” now proudly presents its final research results and the resulting recommendations for action. As part of the project, three discussion papers and eleven essay-length thematic dossiers were published. Click here for the publications: Media Library BFDK
The latest thematic dossier “On the outer edge? Marginalized Actors in the Performing Arts and the Barriers to Accessing Social Security Systems,” developed by Sören Fenner, Anica Happich, and Laura Kiehne of ensemble-netzwerk, experts address these barriers in detail and address the question of how these barriers can be reduced for the aforementioned groups in the performing arts.
On pages 15 to 19, Un-Label founder Lisette Reuter writes together with kubia staff member Isabell Rosenberg on the topic “The opposite of inclusion – work assistance for cultural actors and artists with disabilities in social security systems”. Direct link to the dossier: Link
So be sure to read it and pass it on. Because it is now time for all of us to act together and change systems! Let’s do it!