L – Do I need Labels to Love?
The capital L of love describes a state that makes labels and attributes we use to categorise our environment lose their meaning. Barriers dissolve; I becomes We. We connect, open up and start to relate to one another.
The more we connect, the more we un-label. The more we un-label the more we connect…
During the moving dance theatre performance L – Do I need labels to love, 16 international artists with and without disabilities go looking for love. Combining dance, theatre, music, poetry, acrobatics and video projections, they take the audience on an emotional journey that leads them to themselves and one another. Together they set out to answer the question: Do I need labels to love?
Accessibility: Every performance will be audio-described and captioned for the visually impaired and deaf.
Running time: 80 mins
Past dates
Thu 11 May 2017
19:30 Uhr // Nilüfer Bursa / Cultural Center
Venue: Yüzüncüyıl, Uğur Mumcu Blv. 7/A, 16120 Nilüfer/Bursa, Turkey
Wed 30 November 2016
20:00 // Thessaloniki Concert Hall
Venue: 25is Martiou, Thessaloniki 546 46, Greece
Thu 12 May 2016 // Premiere
20:00 // Sommerblut Festival
Venue: Kölner Künstlertheater, Grüner Weg 5, 50825 Cologne
Producer: Lisette Reuter – Director & Concept: Costas Lamproulis – Choreographer: Sabine Lindlar – Musical Director: Markus Brachtendorf – Sounddesign: Maximilian Schweder – Artistic Assistance: Wagner Moreira & Mia Bilitza – Lighting Designer and Technical Supporter: Garlef Kessler – Costume Designer: Jula Reindell – Visuals: Valerij Lisac – Project Assistance: Sarah Mitter – Production Assistance: Lara Weiss – Communication Assistance: Konstanze Bustian; Stella Papantonatos; Ronny Leukert – Film Documentation: Patrick Waldmann
Downloads & Information
L-Do I need Labels to Love is a dance theatre performance by Un-Label in coproduction with SMouTh (Greece), SKYGD (Turkey), Candoco Dance Company (UK) and TH Cologne (Germany), developed in the framework of the project Un-Label – New Grounds for Inclusive Performing Arts.